Bag o' random patches. PatchPanel

Bag o' random patches.

This bag o' random old patches consists of blemished, out of production, and retired designs / versions.

There are FAR MORE options than this image shows, this is just a hand full of the available selection.

Your bag will contain AT LEAST 5 patches in various materials, and maybe some other cool things. 

Only 50 bags are available, on a first come, first served basis. 

Disclosure: We're using this bag o' random patches to test a new, faster shipping method for our US customers to combat the huge delays we've been experiencing with USPS.

Your shipment will be carried via express international shipment to your local Postal depot, using USPS only for the final delivery to you. This should take 3-5 business days. 

By purchasing this product you understand that this is and experience, and may have some hiccups (though it really seems like that won't happen at this point).

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