PatchBuilder V1.1 updateJanuary 11, 2021 · Evan Henshaw

While we finalize the roll out of MOST of our customizable patches on PatchBuilder, we re also finishing the roll out of our first major update. 

REAL FABRIC IMAGES - It became apparent early on that the digital image representations of our fabric patterns could only be so good. Available images of many patterns were low resolution, and produced a really terrible looking result on the screen. 

By using images of real Cordura fabric, we're eliminating the resolution issue. The only catch, taking pictures of objects like this is a bit out of our wheelhouse, so we expect to re-take the images a few times in the future as we learn to improve that technique. 

At the same time as we've rolled this out, we're implementing a new image resource strategy that DRASTICALLY reduces the amount of images used to create a custom patch. This saves resources, and ultimately will lead to a smoother PatchBuilder experience. 

Cool stuff, albeit boring for most. This has been a monumental undertaking that reaches far beyond our typical capabilities. The end result is a better experience for you folks, and that's pretty much our main focus these days. Who want's to shop somewhere if it isn't at least a little bit fun?