How to get the best results out of our refer a friend program.August 23, 2017 · Evan Henshaw
Ok, so you’ve tried out the Refer-A-Friend program and made a few bucks. But what
if we were willing to help you make more out of it. The nitty gritty truth of it is that by using the Refer-A-Friend program, you’re helping do our marketing for us. Working for free, while noble, can get kind of boring over time. So we want to make sure you’re rewarded for your work. We think it’s better to have you do this than to funnel our money into marketing companies and have the money disappear. Keeping it inside our absolutely awesome community benefits everyone. Here are our two main steps to better results, follow them and we guarantee you’ll see improvement.
1. Location is Key - Let’s face it, pretty much everyone and their grandma has Face- book these days. Posting on your Facebook profile will likely lead to little reward unless you’ve established a following for yourself that is. This is always the first place to start, but not always the most lucrative. My best suggestion is to branch out into Facebook groups that are designated for your local areas, as well as towards your hobbies or career lines. Last but certainly not least, forums. web forums, though less common due to Facebook are often where the diehards lie in waiting. There are huge communities that don’t use the normal social media streams that you’re used to.
2. Tell Your Story - A story of your experience will go about 1000x farther than making a post saying “here’s a deal on something”. Talk about your patches, your ordering experience, if you had something custom made, all the better! The point here is to share your experience, and show your friends or followers the experience that they can have too. Spam is Spam, and it tastes like crap. So let’s not go around spamming for discounts as A: it won’t work very well and B: you may find yourself removed from some of the groups and areas you like visiting. This is no good for anyone.
Following these two steps will drastically improve not only your own credibility, but it will also increase the likeliness that people you don’t know will use your link. This is better for all of us in more ways than you can imagine.
Now get out there and tell everyone!